What Can I Get For You?


Josh is the usual one behind the counter. He opens the cafe, pours the coffee, and locks the place when closing time rolls around. This short comedy is a look into the plights of a barista and their interactions with a number of quirky individuals that many struggling creatives can identify with all too well.

Production History

“What Can I Get For You?” was originally performed by Skypilot Theatre Company in their 2023 Comedic One Act Festival. The production featured Jaden Harris Shaw, Hank Moen Fisher, Elena Musser, Michael John Parker, Julia Linger, and Robin Roth, and was directed by Aditya Putcha.

This Is Not a Drill


This one act follows a group of friends on their last day at school and pleads for us all to stop sending prayers and instead, to start marching.

Production History

This is Not a Drill was originally performed in Skypilot Theatre Company’s 2018 One Act Festival. The production was directed by Collette Rutherford and featured Sof Puchley, David Branson, Marissa Kimble, Emma Pasarow, Alyssa Klein, Sri Chilukuri and Jamie Mcrae.

Ice Breakers


As struggling single mother, Beth prepares for the perfect Christmas Eve with her son, Jay, an unexpected visit from her estranged daughter, Liz, throws her world into chaos once more. The longer Liz stays in the house with her brother and mother, the more she and Beth begin to remember what tore their family apart. As tensions rise, the past turns from a blurred mirage to a vivid nightmare as a brother, mother and daughter must come to terms with their own mistakes to move on as individuals and as a family.

Production History

Ice Breakers has been workshopped through many iterations including readings by The New and Reimagined Works Initiative at UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Center Stage Theater and Skypilot Theatre Company's Runway Program.



Anna, a struggling mother battling unresolved trauma, mental health, and a difficult family life, fights to retain her resilience every day. After so many years, it has begun to wane. In an attempt to put the pieces of her scattered life back together again, Anna starts a monthly virtual diary on her computer. These conversations with herself allow for a sense of rehabilitation; mending the tears in her psyche left by the trials of her past. However, with each entry, more challenges appear in the present. Her marriage strains, her mental health fluctuates, and her relationship with her beloved son, Laurie, becomes ever harder to conserve. Anna slowly finds that the past is only a part of the puzzle when it comes to recovery. In order to move forward, the past must be accepted and the present must be lived in. For nothing is more precious than time. Anna seeks to pose the question, “How can we move on? And how should we?”

Production History

"Anna" is a solo show meant to bridge the gap between those struggling with mental health and those struggling to understand it. Originally starring Laura Walker and directed by Kelly Desarla, "Anna" had a successful run in the 2023 Whitefire Theatre Solo Festival, the second largest solo festival in the United States and largest on the west coast. It won an award for Best of Fest at Whitefire and returned for an encore performance. The show went on to perform in New York United Solo Festival's 2023 Fall season to a sold out house. From one coast to the other, I aim to  share this story of mental health and healing with the world and hope to submit it to to more solo festivals in the future.

Returning Home


In the play between imagination and reality, the film transports its audience through multiple dream worlds, genres and artistic mediums to explore how we can approach life’s uncertainties with trust and surrender regardless of the trials and tribulations we may face in our human experience. Returning Home shares an adventurous, intimate and introspective exploration of what it feels like and means to be human.

Production History

Returning Home was created in collaboration with the Human Arts Collective. See more info here.